Friday, July 13, 2012

Count Down!

Holy Moly! So I celebrated my 24th birthday yesterday and totally forgot about it until the day before. I have only been thinking about surrogacy stuff, Roberto and Mauro, their egg donor, and basically anything and everything related to our journey. I am not one to look forward to birthdays because growing older kinda freaks me out, lol...yes, yes, I know, I am only 24... :) Still bugs me a little...

So all day yesterday I was thinking about the egg donor. I know NOTHING about her and all I can think about is her. What her journey has been like, how she is feeling and what made her want to donate her eggs. From my prospective I completely understand surrogacy and can't wait to 'bake' this amazing 'bun' for Roberto and Mauro, but I don't understand being an egg donor, probably because the procedure for egg harvesting FREAKS me out. I can handle birth, transfers and everything else that comes with the surrogacy, but not the egg donor She is so brave and I can only imagine what her journey was like. As she sits at home recovering, the rest of us are preparing for the next REALLY big step :) For all I know, her and I have passed in the hall at Dr. Boostanfar's office or talked in the waiting room, so crazy to think about that! I am so great full that this amazing woman has donated her eggs for these two amazing men! 

So, count down has begun, transfer in T-minus 92 Hours!!! Everything is falling into place. My lucky charms are ready, my meds are set up, all of my entertainment needs are ready to go for my bed rest and my WONDERFUL surro sister is taking me to my transfer and bringing me home! She is one of my lucky charms too!!! 

We are so close :)


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